摩德風 - Mod Style

Christmas shindig with RnR
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發表人:  harry_lammyman [ 2009? 10月 27? 週二, am 11:19 ]
文章主題 :  Christmas shindig with RnR

Hello lads and lasses there in TW.
I and several other lads and a burlesque lady are gonna visit there for fun! Why don't you join?

12/18 89k Taichung (#21 Da Tong Road)
12/19 VU Taipei (B1, #77 Wu Chang Jie, Xi Men Ding)

Hey people, the Rock&Roll Circus is coming to town again! Now in it's third year, THE DEADLY VIBES trade mark party promises to be even more over the top, crazier, and wilder then ever!

This year's Circus will star the professional burlesque of MISS CABARETTA from Tokyo, Japan! Winner of the 2007 "exotic world" burlesque competition and a regular fixture on the Tokyo burlesque scene. She has appeared in independent movies, fashion shows and music videos. This is Bettie Page/Blaze Starr inspired 1950's style strip tease, so get ready for tassles, pasties, garderbelts and a good time!

And of course, the circus wouldn't be the party it is without some great Rock&Roll entertainment. So this year The Deadly Vibes have invited two wild bands from Japan to get everyone revved up and ready to rock!

Inspired by 50’s sci-fi and B movie hysteria, Pychobilly/trash rock&rollers ED WOODS are going to blow the roof off the place. Notorious for their gore and horror filled live shows, these boys know how to entertain! Get ready for lots of fake blood, crazy stage antics, and a wind-blower filled with glitter so the singer can machinegun the audience and cover them in gold and silver.

The MINNESOTA VOODOO MEN are going to get everyone moving with their heavy R&B and mod rock beats! Dressed in slick 60's mod suits, they look cool and sound great. The guitar player is even known to play while hanging upside down!

And to keep the party moving DJ HARRY THE HAMPSTEAD HEATH from Japan, will be spinning all original and classic Rock&Roll from his extensive vinyl record collection. He has been hosting R&R parties in Tokyo for many years and knows how to get the crowd move'n and shake'n. So come prepared to shake it up on the dance floor!

Anyone who has been to the circus in the past knows there will be tons of giveaways and crazy prizes. In previous years fans have been treated to condoms, dildos and lighters, as well as a flying v guitar piñata filled with lots of silly Rock&Roll Circus goodies. And of course it wouldn't be a party without lots of FREE SHOTS! It's going to feel like Halloween, christmas and your birthday all in one wild night!

If you have been to the ROCK&ROLL CIRCUS before, then you'll definately be there again this year, but if you haven't yet, then you better mark the date on your calender because this going to be one crazy party you don't want to miss!

12/18 @89k 9:30pm 台中市大觀路21號
12/19 @ 武昌誠品-地下絲絨 (VU) (西門町)9:30pm

嗨!大家好,一年一度的搖滾馬戲團又來了!在 The Deadly Vibes 的承諾保證下,這次的搖滾馬戲團會比以往更加前所未有的瘋狂!


曾獲得2007年“Exotic World” Burlesque比賽冠軍的日本東京表演者Miss Cabaretta﹗她嬌媚的神情、動感的曲線,再融合了50年代Bettie Pager和Blaze Starr的風格,此次表演充滿視覺挑戰、感官刺激,絕對讓你回味無窮!
聲名狼藉的Pychobilly / Trash 搖滾樂團 Ed Woods,受到50年代科幻小說及歇斯底里的B級片影響,他們充滿血腥暴力的外表與瘋狂古怪滑稽的行徑,拉你進入既恐懼又狂喜的搖滾世界!!

演唱Heavy R&B與摩得搖滾樂,穿著60年代英式摩得復古服裝的The Minnesota Voodoo Men樂團,吉他手以嚇壞人的神奇倒吊演奏方式,大開你的眼界!

撼動日本東京各大搖滾派對 的DJ Harry The Hampstead Heath,將於12/18和12/19分別在台中台北 放送私人收藏1950年到1960年的經典藍調搖滾樂﹗讓樂迷們在舞池中狂野搖擺吧!!

還記得常出現在電視上、雙手刺滿刺青、講的一口流利的國語和台語的外國人"阿財"嗎? 沒有人比他更適合主持這瘋狂又high的夜晚!

曾經參加過這個派對的人都知道我們會準備很多小禮物和瘋狂的獎品。往年有情趣用品、打火機及吉他造型 piñata 等等。當然也少不了 FREE SHOTS!! 不然這怎麼可以叫派對呢?今年的搖滾馬戲團將呈現不一樣的主題風格,就像一個狂歡之夜同時慶祝萬聖節、聖誕節和生日!

如果你已經參加過之前的搖滾馬戲團當然更不能錯過今年的活動。如果你還沒有參加過,趕快把活動日期記下來。因為這將是一個你不會想要錯失的瘋狂派對,有最棒的樂團和 DJ ,還有更多不同的驚喜,就讓我們徹夜搖滾狂歡吧!

Circus_Chinese_Smaller.JPG [ 93.02 KiB | 被瀏覽 15043 次 ]
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發表人:  harry_lammyman [ 2009? 10月 29? 週四, am 1:04 ]
文章主題 :  Re: Christmas shindig with RnR

Another pictures and DJ to join the events!

DJ Yone-Pa-Cino
He has got a couple of regular clubs here in Tokyo every month.
You can't sit down!

Pix running down accordingly...

Hello everyone! I haven't been there over 4 years since the last time. Hope you remember Mods Friday held in March 2005.

Yes! We all have got Lambrettas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We would love to see your scooters all Christmas accessorized!

Join the celebration!
You cannot miss this opportunity.
Tell your friends as much as possible, please.

Let us lambret twist!

See you there.

檔案註釋: The Minnesota Voodoo Men
MINNESOTA-021-bbs.JPG [ 183.72 KiB | 被瀏覽 14892 次 ]
檔案註釋: Harry the Hampstead Heath
harry_dj.JPG [ 38.79 KiB | 被瀏覽 14886 次 ]
檔案註釋: Harry the Hampstead Heath
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檔案註釋: Yone-Pa-Cino
yone_dj.jpg [ 225.74 KiB | 被瀏覽 14863 次 ]

發表人:  harry_lammyman [ 2009? 11月 5? 週四, pm 6:56 ]
文章主題 :  Re: Christmas shindig with RnR

All of you are very very welcome!

Feel free to book tickets in advance, ask me via private message or visit my web site as follows.

檔案註釋: Yone-Pa-Cino DJs as usual weekend.
yone_02Nov.JPG [ 35.75 KiB | 被瀏覽 14758 次 ]
檔案註釋: Cabaretta on the last weekend.
cabaretta_02Nov.JPG [ 58.29 KiB | 被瀏覽 14750 次 ]

發表人:  [ 2009? 11月 5? 週四, pm 7:09 ]
文章主題 :  Re: Christmas shindig with RnR

這一位harry好幾年前有來台灣跟我們一起辦mods趴 來了兩次 一次在逸仙路 一次在tu 他的gs150撞掉後 換了藍美達嗎? 這一篇勾起了許多懷念!!!他來表演時記得要去瞧瞧~ :bigeye:

發表人:  harry_lammyman [ 2009? 11月 5? 週四, pm 7:43 ]
文章主題 :  Re: Christmas shindig with RnR

You remember me! I am the one you point at.
I used to have a GS150.

Now what I own are, four Lambrettas, as follows...
TV175+SX200 motor, tuned Mugello barrel
LI3+PAv trailer(as previous picture)
J125 Starstream

Looking forward to seeing you there.

發表人:  shadow [ 2009? 11月 14? 週六, pm 1:46 ]
文章主題 :  Re: Christmas shindig with RnR

我上星期才跟君瑋提到 harry 的這個聚會

發表人:  老洪 [ 2009? 11月 14? 週六, pm 3:12 ]
文章主題 :  Re: Christmas shindig with RnR

正港的 mOd ParTy 哦,

發表人:  will5320 [ 2009? 11月 14? 週六, pm 5:46 ]
文章主題 :  Re: Christmas shindig with RnR

shadow 寫:
我上星期才跟君瑋提到 harry 的這個聚會

請問他們的音樂風格是哪一類型阿 :question:


發表人:  harry_lammyman [ 2009? 11月 15? 週日, am 12:47 ]
文章主題 :  Re: Christmas shindig with RnR

Thanks for your interest.
One thing I have to inform you, it is a bit shame, the other DJ above Yone-Pa-Cino cannot make it for his job matter. I am sorry about this.
But do not worry, mates. I have got whole lotta original 50s-60s RnR, RnB and soul records to let you dance all night long!

I was just talking to the Minnesota Voodoo Men lads. We all saw this thread and were really pleased!
They have just provided a couple of videos filmed earlier on the web. Check the out via links as follows.



They are also glad to show you private shots including their manager taken this year's Lambretta Rally held in summer.

Scooter run is very very welcome! We all love to see you on your proud scoots!

We would seriously like you to inform your friends who live in both Taipei and Taichung as many as possible this event(s).

Whether you are a scooterist, mod, skins or even just an ordinal bloke, we won't mind. We would love to have fun altogether. Let us make unforgettable Christmas!
See you at the venue!

Best as always.

檔案註釋: Ringo, the bassist and singer of the band
Ringo01.JPG [ 95.95 KiB | 被瀏覽 14522 次 ]
檔案註釋: Pete, the drummer of the band. What he has got in the pic is a 'borrowed' Lambretta Starstream125.
Pete01.JPG [ 72.2 KiB | 被瀏覽 14519 次 ]
檔案註釋: Fabian, the guitarist and singer of the band. With his GT200 on a ferry boat.
Fabian01.JPG [ 83.11 KiB | 被瀏覽 14504 次 ]
檔案註釋: Again, Fabian on the road.
Fabian02.JPG [ 94.12 KiB | 被瀏覽 14500 次 ]
檔案註釋: Gian, the manager of the band. Enjoying the way to destination on his GP200.
gian.JPG [ 100.15 KiB | 被瀏覽 14493 次 ]

發表人:  [ 2009? 11月 15? 週日, pm 1:23 ]
文章主題 :  Re: Christmas shindig with RnR

i love gp200!! :bigeye:

發表人:  richhan [ 2009? 11月 15? 週日, pm 11:18 ]
文章主題 :  Re: Christmas shindig with RnR


發表人:  harry_lammyman [ 2009? 11月 21? 週六, pm 6:24 ]
文章主題 :  Re: Christmas shindig with RnR

Another news has come.

The Minnesota Voodoo Men's new 45rpm is out now from my record label, HHH.

A. No Matter (Ringo) -brand new, mod pop!-
B.Dance, Franny, Dance (F.Dakil) -1963 Killer dance number-

I would like to take some copies to sell at the venue in TW if some you fancy. Contact me before 16th Dec.
Are there any proper DJs in Taipei for vitange RnR, RnB, Mod etc? I dunno because I haven't been there 4 years and half...

檔案註釋: side A
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檔案註釋: side B
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發表人:  harry_lammyman [ 2009? 11月 24? 週二, pm 11:04 ]
文章主題 :  Re: Christmas shindig with RnR

Are you interested in these from revival era as well?

Off topic, I have found an interesting article in Jetset #162 (LCGB official club mag). A geezer called Pat from Saigon Scooter Centre wrote about Taiwanese TV175. He has even put a photo of registration paper of one in the article. (Personal information is hidden, of course.)
BTW, I reckon you guys know better than him about the vehicle.
Have you read it? Anybody got a copy of the mag? If not, I will take one for prize gift at the party. I have got a lot because there is an article which I wrote about rough history of Lambretta in Japan. Hope it is your interest as well as vinyls!

檔案註釋: Jetset mag
Jetset09Nov.jpg [ 70.39 KiB | 被瀏覽 14209 次 ]

發表人:  harry_lammyman [ 2009? 12月 3? 週四, am 12:57 ]
文章主題 :  Re: Christmas shindig with RnR

Hi. Now this is December. I hope all of you are ready.

I was talking about this event with The Minnesota Voodoo Men. We would put an article for Scootering magazine what will have happned the night.
Therefore I would eagerly like you to call your friends as many as possible, hopefully with his/her scooters and yourselves altogether. I am going to take lots of photos for the magazine. Would you please give us a hand?

The Minnesota Voodoo Men will take their brand new CD single for TW fans!

Finally, I am attaching pictures of my other Lambrettas.
I can't wait to see you there! Let us have toast! Cheers.
My TV200

檔案註釋: My Starstream (Lambretta 125, small frame. 1966)
Cherryblossom_mob002.jpg [ 42.78 KiB | 被瀏覽 14012 次 ]
檔案註釋: My TV3. Mugello 200 tuned
doshi_summer-smaller.JPG [ 117.1 KiB | 被瀏覽 14012 次 ]

發表人:  harry_lammyman [ 2009? 12月 8? 週二, am 12:27 ]
文章主題 :  Re: Christmas shindig with RnR

Anyone fancy DJing there?
I you do, you are very welcome.

Another DJ above, Yone-Pa-Cino, has cancelled this as I told you ere.

The event will start at 21:30 till 3:30...
6 bloody ours only one DJ, it is a bit too tough, isn't it?
I will take as many records as possible, however I am a foreigner there in TW, if you know what I mean.
Hope a few of you are interested with your lovely vinyls.

One more thing.
Book discount tickets! Drop a line to [email protected]
Tell him that you saw my message. Details on http://www.wretch.cc/blog/RnRCircus/343476
See you there with lotta drink, lotta dance, lotta smiles and your scooters!!!!! Let me write a good article for Scootering mag!

Can't wait...

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